JobLab BETA Includes

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    Welcome to JobLab

    • Welcome to JobLab Beta

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    • FoundationsLab - Overview

    • FoundationsLab - Need

    • Foundations Lab - Want

    • FoundationsLab - Won't

    • Foundations Lab - Worksheet

    • Foundations Lab - Basic Monthly Income Calculator Tool

    • BETA SURVEY - FoundationsLab

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    • Shift Your Resume Mindset

    • Resume Basics

    • Resume Walk Through: Contact and Professional Summary Section

    • Resume Walk Through: Skills Section

    • Resume Walk Through: Experience Section (and Bullet Points)

    • Resume Walk Through: Education & Certifications Section

    • Worksheet - Resume Builder

    • Resume Templates - Microsoft Word

    • Resume Templates - Google Docs

    • BETA SURVEY - ResumeLab

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    Search + Network Lab

    • Job Search Strategy

    • Job Boards

    • Job Board Automation

    • Recruiters

    • Networking Basics

    • LinkedIn Networking Mistakes to Avoid

    • Authentic LinkedIn Networking

    • Search + Network Worksheet

    • BETA SURVEY - Search + Network Lab

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    • Interview Mindset

    • How to Prepare for an Interview

    • Meet CARL...your new interview best friend

    • Interview Tips

    • After The Interview

    • Job Description Worksheet - CARL

    • Highlights Reel Worksheet (CARL)

    • CARL Practice Interview Questions Worksheet

    • Practice Interview Questions (and how to answer them)

    • Great Questions To Ask (In An Interview)

    • Thank You Note + Follow Up Email Templates

    • InterviewLab Survey

Join the BETA

JobLab BETA consists of four Labs (modules):

  • FoundationsLab: A quick (but important) module where you'll decide what you need, want, and won't tolerate from a job. Focus your search to stay on track. Lean on this framework when the search feels overwhelming

  • ResumeLab: Step-by-step coaching on how to think about each section of your resume. Transform your resume from a historical career recap to a data-driven marketing tool infused with your voice and personality. Resume templates included.

  • NetworkingLab: Learn to use LinkedIn DM's to connect with people, get intel about your target companies, and land referrals to apply more directly than a job search portal. (this is how I got my job at Amazon)

  • Interview Lab: Learn to use the C.A.R.L method to answer any interview question that comes your way. This Lab offers practice interview questions as well as before/during/after interview coaching and tips.

  • BONUS: JobLab Beta testers who successfully complete the program receive a 45 minute, 1:1 Resume review session via Zoom at no additional charge ($149 value)